our tickets
We want you to get the best deal when you travel with us. We’ve got a handy fare finder so you can search for the price of your journey on each route.
You can buy a single trip from the driver, but the best way to save money is to get a Kinchkard. You can buy a 10-trip Kinchkard or a 28-day unlimited Kinchkard from your Kinchbus driver or online here.

travel contactless
Just tap on at the start of your journey, and tap off before you leave. Simple.
You'll be charged a single journey for each trip, and with our day & 28 day caps in place your fares will be limited, no matter how often you travel. You'll be able to check your journey history through our website.
contactless payments
You can also make contactless payments to purchase any tickets or Kinchkard up to the value of £30.
Just ask your friendly driver for your ticket, Kinchkard or top-up amount (up to £30) then hold your contactless card or device on to the contactless reader.
You can also travel contactless or use contactless payments with your mobile devices i.e. Apple Pay & Google Pay.
You may be able to save more money on your fare. If you’re over 60 or registered disabled, you may qualify for free travel. Under 16s pay half price and students also get discounts. We also have some great joint-ticketing deals if you’re travelling by train.