Kaptain Kinch has had a super idea.
Patients, visitors and staff can now enjoy a quick and convenient journey between the centre of Loughborough and the town’s hospital.
Kinchbus has altered the route of one of its most popular services to provide a vital bus link that’s been missing since the hospital moved all its facilities to the main Epinal Way site.
Tom Morgan, Kinchbus' General Manager, explained: “Our Kinchbus 5 buses now provide a fantastic alternative to travelling to the hospital by car."
"The enhanced service has buses running every hour between the town centre and the hospital site, and there are also direct links from Hazel Road Estate, Shelthorpe and Ravensthorpe Drive Estates."
“For people travelling to the hospital from outside Loughborough, there are convenient connections available in the town centre.”
To account for the additional time needed to serve the hospital site, the Kinchbus 5 route around Ravensthorpe Drive has been altered slightly. Rather than navigating the estate in a double loop, the bus now travels in just one direction, although all areas will retain their service.
Tom added: “In developing the route we have formed a strong relationship with Loughborough Hospital and aim to continue to co-promote the service to ensure its success.”
Matron for the in-patient wards at Loughborough Hospital, Sarah Clements, commented: “We are delighted Kinchbus is providing this service, which is now helping people to access the hospital. This is a very positive change and we know our patients and visitors are very happy that the bus now brings them right into the hospital grounds.”