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fare changes

We'll be making some changes to our fares from Sunday 23 February. These latest changes reflect the increasing inflation, costs for parts, materials, lubricants and fuel facing operators worldwide. The changes will help us remain as Loughborough’s finest. Here's what you need to know:

£3 cash singles

The £3 cash single scheme will be continued but we will be keeping the scheme under review and will monitor its uptake. 

single fares and travel contactless 

Cash singles and travel contactless will rise by around 5% depending on individual fares. 

under 10's fares 

Under 10's fares will not change. 

zigzag plus 

zigzag plus will increase to:


Kinchkard prices will change as follows to reflect our mango caps:


mango will change in line with cash fares but will continue to maintain a 10% discount on cash singles for adults. Discounts for other concessions are also retained. Caps will also change as follows: