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skylink timetable changes

timetable changes for skylink to help improve timekeeping

timetable changes for skylink to help improve timekeeping

Over the past few months skylink Derby & skylink Nottingham have been delayed due to numerous roadworks across the routes.

We share your frustration, and we hope these timetable changes on Sunday 29 October 2017 will help to improve our punctuality, especially at peak times.

The closure of Kegworth bridge, road works on the A453 and the widening of the M1 at J24 with reduced speed limits have all had a considerable impact on our timekeeping.

We apologise for these delays, and our team are doing their best to keep you moving. We are, where possible, adding in extra resources to help reduce delays.

Tap the links to see the new skylink Derby and skylink Nottingham timetables.